2 Years in Review (An Aside)

With having my last CEGEP exam today (or my final final, if you will), I wanted to take a look back at the 29 courses that made up my college studies.

It might not be the funniest post – since each class will be described with a one liner/inside joke – but I’m doing this for my future self to look back on when I’m getting a PhD and whatnot and laughing at my previous course load. Aka, I don’t know if anyone else can relate to the follow commentary/jokes, but here we go:


Semester 1:

Intro to College English: Dongs and comic books – because that’s what you should expect when your teacher is essentially Seth Rogan. Also, sorry I didn’t know that a Brontosaurus wasn’t a real dinosaur.

Art of the Ancient Americas: Priding myself for my ability to pronounce at least 20% of the cultural stuff.

Dance: I should have done the Running Man for the choreographies’ freestyles.

Spanish: Las sacapuntas.

Research Methods: Group work is a definite nope – not a fan.

Western Civilisation: Fill a 32-page note book in 13 days: check.

Intro to Psych: Freud. Oh, and messing with the students’ minds. (Thanks for bringing a spider to class)


Semester 2:

Poetry: It’s all about the Bible (Thank God).

Fitness: At least the gym doesn’t scare me any more.

Astronomy: Space is very large. Like bigger than the amount of time I spend on the internet.

French: Jesus, Harry Potter, and Angry Lobsters.

Macroeconomics: Funlandia needs to look at their tire production rates. A++ .gif usage

World Geography: Did somebody say TFR?

Sociology: It’s nice to know that middle-aged profs still giggle at the word “duty/doodie”


Semester 3:

Liars and Thieves (English): In theory, if we were to approach this through a capitalist lens, could we say that…?

American Century: Good luck getting tea stains out of your notes. Also, why was this class two hours long?

Stress Management: Go on, take a nap in class, it’s cool.

International Politics: Billiard ball model and to-the-death Jeopardy games.

Psych of Mental Disorders: I’m actually pretty normal.

Psych of Adolescent Development: Talk Six still sounds like “toxic” to me.

Social Psych: Researchers really like loud, annoying buzzing sounds.


Semester 4:

Blogging and Creative Non-Fiction: Show and tell while you steal like an artist.

Biblical Sex (Ethics): You can get a divorce, but no take-backsies.

Cinema and Media (French): Strategically getting the prof to end class early is always the end goal. Also, seduction must always be grand.

Human Biology: Cue card game muy strong.

Stats: I haven’t been this confused since grade 11 physics. Also, plan C is a myth.

Integrative Project: Lookit, I did a pre-pre-pre-thesis!

Honours Social Science Seminar: An excuse to have bagels. Because Montreal.


So there you have it, two years wrapped up in less than 500 words.

Feels like it was that short, too.