Stuff That’s Near My Wall: WTF

Want to know why I love ordering stuff online? It’s cause it’s like you’re sending yourself a present, and who doesn’t love that?

I’ve been making online orders for over a year now, usually for books or tea for me or for when I have birthday or Christmas shopping to do.

However, clothing is something that I’m much more hesitant to purchase since my legs are a bajillion miles long (give or take a few inches) and I’d prefer to try something on before buying it.

Because it’s apparently necessary this week to talk about how much time I spend on the internet, you should know that I have wasted more hours on youtube that some people do courting their future spouse. A statistically significant portion of that time has gone to watching Joe Santagato’s videos. Despite my of love clothing, I waited a year after I found out there was Santagato TV merchandise, since I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t making an impulse buy.

Oh, I also wanted to be able to pay for it with my own money, and since I had my first job only last summer, the purchase was  delayed until this winter (I was busy with school and forgot about it).

Over the winter break, I ordered one of the sweaters:



Having sent the order to my mum’s house – and then spending the following week at my dad’s – I wasn’t the one to receive the parcel when it came in. When I got home from school the following Friday, switching back to my mum’s house, I was excited to open my order.

That excitement was replaced by confusion when I found two grey envelopes waiting to be opened.

Both had my name on them.

But one was heavier than the other. I started with this one, figuring that my sweatshirt would have been the bulkier of the two.

My assumption was correct, and so I got to opening the next parcel.

For the record, my shirt size ranges from small to medium, depending on the brand.

The shirt in the second envelope was 2XL.

And bright green.



WTF indeed.

The irony aside of someone purchasing a 2XL shirt asking where the food is, I still had no clue as to why I was the recipient of this … fashion statement.

Rooting around the remnants of my order, I found the invoice for the shirt. Scanning the sheet of paper, I found the location that it was actually supposed to be sent to.

It wasn’t Montreal.

It wasn’t another part of Canada.

It wasn’t even within North America.

It was supposed to go to Australia.

Clearly the same place.

Hopefully the person who was supposed to get the shirt in the first place has gotten a replacement at some point or another between January and now…